1) Before 45 Days - 50% Refund on the Registration amount. 45 - 30 Days - 25% Refund on Full Amount 30 - 20 Days -No Refund on Registration 20 - 10 Days - 10% Refund on Full Amount After 10 Days - No Refund
2. Cancellation charge is applied on total trip cost, not on any partial or token amounts. E.g. if you paid 10,000 for a 25000 trip, 2 months in advance and decide to cancel a trip less than 30 days before trip start date, the cancellation charge will be applied on 25000, not 10,000.
3. None of the amount is transferrable to any other trip or treks & no credit notes will be given.
4. If the Trip is cancelled from our end, Minimal 7% amount will be deducted & for the remaining amount a Credit Note will be Provided to use on any other Treks & Trips.
5. In Case of Trip Extension due to Weather or any unforseen conditions, Indivdual will have to pay 2500/- Cash Per Day to the Trip Leader on Spot.
6. Itinerary is subject to change due to Weather Condition & Its the Trip Leaders Call we value everyone’s safety over the Trip.